Let's All Do Something Nice For Donald Trump

Started by Tessera, August 01, 2018, 01:59:57 AM

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Quote from: Cylnar on October 06, 2018, 09:11:14 PM
But we shall see what happens a month from now... ::)

A Democratically controlled House *will* impeach Trump, no matter what, because that's what their constituents will demand. None of them are talking impeachment right now, because it's premature and might skew the November election. But you can bet that in 2019, Trump absolutely *will* be impeached and his crimes will then be on display for all the world to see. Don't forget that an impeachment proceeding will guarantee the House the power to subpoena Trump's tax records, his other financial records, plus they'll be able to subpoena witnesses... the whole enchilada. And the courts can't stop it, thanks to the Constitutional separation of powers. Roberts, Kavanaugh, Thomas et al can't save Trump from this shit. No one can. The House will have full reign in that situation.

I'm expecting many of Trump's supporters to abandon him at that point, along with a fair number of Republican senators. No matter how you slice it, Donald Trump is seriously screwed next year. It all hinges on the Dems winning back the House in November. After that... grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, fellow lefties.   ;D

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


How To Shut Up Any Trump Supporter

I think I posted this already, but I can't recall... so I'll post it now...

Have any of you gotten into a flame war with the Trumptards on the internet..? Well then, I'm here to help. I've been engaged in HUNDREDS of flame wars during the past few months and if you know me, then you know that I'm not an easy person to get into a fight with. But anyway, I've discovered a sure-fire way to shut them up and force them to scurry away, back into their rat holes.

It's simple: just ask them one, single question that so far, NONE of them have been willing to answer. Are we ready..? Then here it is:

If you came to believe that Donald Trump was guilty of serious crimes, then would you continue to support him..?

Thus far, I have asked that question of at least three dozen Trumptards and none of them... not a single one... has ever answered it. In every case, they bailed out of the flame war with me and never returned.

Gee... I can't imagine why. And when you think about it, their refusal to answer is, in itself, very telling indeed. It tells me that their conviction is weak... and that's good news for our side. But go ahead... give it a whirl.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


As an aside... here's a fun idea:

As most of you know, I've created a few mods over the years for my favorite PC games. Most of my mods have been adult in nature.

Well, I'd like to announce that I plan to create a new mod soon, for the zombie apocalypse shooter game known as Left 4 Dead.

If you are at all familiar with that game, it pretty much consists of forming a heavily armed party and then slaughtering huge numbers of zombies,
as you make your way toward your objective. It's quite a bloodbath, has a fairly high degree of realism and is definitely not suitable for children.

I'm planning to re-texture a large proportion of the zombies in that game, so that lots of them will be wearing "MAGA" t-shirts.
You know... the favorite slogan of Trumptards everywhere. I think you get the idea behind this little plan of mine.  :P

I'll release it as soon as it's finished and then, those of you on the left who are a bit more militant (as I tend to be) can have loads of fun,
shooting and killing literally hundreds of zombie Trumptards. It's going to be quite a treat for me, I can tell you. I hope you will enjoy it, also.

Stay tuned for further details. I'm working on this new mod as we speak. I might also put some of the female zombies in "Trump 2020" shirts.
Also, I may include some anti-Trump wall art and such as an added bonus. I've only just started on this, so I can't be any more specific right now.

I will not include any nudity within this particular mod, as I want it to have wider appeal. I was tempted to throw in some nude photos of the real Melania... but changed my mind.

With this upcoming mod, we can all pretend to exterminate hundreds and hundreds of mindless Trumptards during our leisure time.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Only THIS might be a reason to check the game out...
Sounds fun.


Everyone knew this was coming...

The best way for Donald Trump to protect the American people would be for him to resign immediately.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Donald Trump appears to be getting very close to a nervous breakdown.

I've explained this before, but I'll explain it again here...

Trump is afflicted with a very serious and often debilitating mental illness known as malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Read up about it, if you are curious.

Well, the one thing that every malignant narcissist fears more than anything else is:


An extreme narcissist spends his entire life convincing everyone around him that he's special... a breed apart... a superman. They'll go to enormous and often ridiculous lengths to maintain that illusion. Pathological lying is just the tip of their iceberg. And the one thing that terrifies every extreme narcissist is the possibility that one day, in front of everyone, they will be exposed as a phony, a fraud, a normal person... or even worse... as an inferior person.

Trump is getting very close to the point where he will be exposed for everyone to see... for the ENTIRE WORLD to see. He has desperately tried to do all that he can to prevent this from happening... but now, he knows that it has become inevitable. Soon, everyone will know that Donald Trump is, indeed, nothing more than a cheap, jumped up little thug... who has never accomplished anything important on his own, and is in fact a 100% artificial person.

Expect Trump to blow a fuse any time now. Could be days... could be weeks... could possibly be in a few months from now. But he's already hiding in the basement, and letting his equally phony wife Melania speak for him. I honestly think that my prediction about Trump not lasting until the end of his first term is becoming increasingly certain... more so with every passing week.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Let's just hope he doesn't decide to take the rest of the world with him. :P

He has the nuclear codes, remember... :o
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


I'll respond with an excerpt from one of my recent exchanges (today) over on YouTube:

Tessmage Tessera
2 hours ago

This is why the Republicans in the Senate will ultimately dump Trump. It really doesn't matter what they do or don't believe, nor does it matter whether they are moral or immoral. The bottom line is this: Trump is directly responsible for their party suffering its single worst defeat in modern history. If they continue to support Trump, their party will be driven to extinction... and they know it. Their choice then becomes clear: dump Trump and try to come out as heroes in the eyes of the voting public, or stay with Trump and be smashed so badly in 2020, that they will effectively cease to exist.

janeen harris
1 hour ago

Tessmage Tessera, isn't it too late to try the hero card? They tweeted in support of Trumps attack on a decorated navy seal. They didn't even have the sense to stay silent.

Jennifer Howse
44 minutes ago

janeen harris I think they are staying to the bitter end. Also some of them are going to jail. Devon Nunez for sure. Manafort knows alot, also Cohen.

35 minutes ago
Tessmage Tessera ...Our most recent tax bill, the wave of corporatist judicial appointments, the recent examples of voter suppression...  They didn't merely arise out of Trump's vacuous cranium.

Tessmage Tessera
1 second ago
@janeen harris  It's never too late. Not unless we give up. And we haven't. The root of this problem lies in 30 years of Americans becoming soft, spoiled, complacent, cynical and downright apathetic. We've allowed ourselves to be placated with shiny trinkets and gizmos. We've adopted an insidious, crippling sense that "someone else will take care of it." Trump may just be a symptom, yes... but it's a good symptom, because it has awoken a sleeping giant that was sleeping for far too long.

The above discussion can be found here:  https://youtu.be/FycJcVuDwj4

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


And here we are... finally.   :D

Michael Cohen's sworn testimony in federal court yesterday is pretty much the final nail in Trump's coffin.

Well actually, it looks to me as if it will be one of many more final nails.

By this time next year, Trump will not only be out of office... but he'll likely be in prison, too.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

Let's just kill him and fat Sarah.  I never detested people in my life, as much as I do those two.  Actually add Ryan Zinke to the kill list. 


Quote from: Will Never on December 01, 2018, 04:49:33 AM
Let's just kill him and fat Sarah.  I never detested people in my life, as much as I do those two.  Actually add Ryan Zinke to the kill list.

For legal reasons, the Administrator of tessmage.com would like to state that Will Never's
personal views are not endorsed by the management of this web site.

(Privately, however, I giggled).   :P

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


I'd like to give Donnie a nice new T-shirt for Xmas:

Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Well, it is now official: Donald Trump is a criminal.

During the trial of Michael Cohen, federal prosecutors came right out and stated... in court... that Trump is strongly implicated in several very, very serious crimes. Including campaign finance violations.

As I see it, Trump committed most of his crimes PRIOR to when he became the president. Therefore, the DOJ's tradition of not indicting a sitting president should be re-examined in this case. Trump must be indicted and removed from office.

Trump's entire presidency is illegal and illegitimate. Trump and Mike Pence must be removed and then, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would become the sitting president until the election in 2020.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


I just had a nightmare thought...which probably won't happen due to Trump's ego, thankfully.

The Speaker of the House is next in line after the president and vice-president, true. But the current speaker of the House is Republican Paul Ryan. He will hold the office until January. :P

If Trump and Pence resigned before January 20 or whenever the date is that the next Congress is seated...

Paul Ryan would become the next president of the United States! As such, he would leave the Speaker post and no longer be subject to being unseated when the new Congress comes in. :o

And Nancy Pelosi would continue to serve as Speaker under a Republican president. Gack!

Fortunately, like I said, Trump is both too egotistical and not enough of a team player to do this for the sake of keeping his party in power, like some Repigfuckers would. ;)
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Trump got kicked in the balls today by Nancy Pelosi.

Take a look: https://youtu.be/AZtCfBR8ZZQ

All of you who feared that Nancy Pelosi would secretly make deals with Trump... guess again. She clearly hates the bastard. She laid into him pretty good today... and the new session of Congress hasn't even started yet. I've always said that Nancy Pelosi is a great attack dog and it's nice to see that she's sharpening her fangs again.

Trump is gonna be in living hell next year. I'm loving it.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


LOL... and yesterday, Pelosi announced that the House is going to request Trump's tax returns next month, directly from the IRS.

Which means that Trump can't do a single thing to interfere with it. The IRS is bound by law to comply with requests from Congress.

Trump... you're so totally fucked, that it doesn't even make sense for you to keep hanging onto the presidency. Just resign, idiot.
Maybe you can make a plea deal -- and plead guilty to some lesser charges that will keep you out of jail for the rest of your life.



Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera