Dear Trump Supporters

Started by Tessera, January 07, 2021, 06:54:31 AM

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Dear Trump Supporters:

Stop believing Donald Trump. Because of Trump, a young woman -- a Trump supporter -- is DEAD now. She won't be waking up today, because she believed Trump's lies and she stormed the Capitol, along with the other misled baboons. YOUR people are dying... not ours. All because of Trump. Can't you see the truth in what I'm saying to you..?

No, the facts are not on your side. The place for facts is in court... and Trump has had 59 out of 60 cases thrown out of court. Would you like to explain that..? So I will repeat: YOUR people are getting killed... not ours. Far from "owning the libs," you are being DESTROYED. It's time for you to jump off the Trump train, before it crashes and burns.

I repeat: why didn't Trump's lawyers present any of this imaginary evidence in court, WHERE IT ACTUALLY MATTERS..? Kids, right-wing conspiracy sites don't decide these issues and neither do angry mobs. THE COURTS DECIDE. Now you can go on deluding yourselves if you want to, but your side has now lost EVERYTHING. Since 2016, you've lost the House, you've lost the Senate, you've lost the presidency, you've lost four entire states, you've lost 11 state legislatures and now, some of you have lost your very lives.

Meanwhile, the libs are all doing JUST FINE. No really, we're doing great. You haven't owned anyone. You haven't won anything. You haven't saved Donald Trump.

Only a fool keeps fighting inside a burning house, Trumptards. Just give it up... Trumpism officially died today. You will get no more sympathy... the entire country HATES you now.

Ashli Babbitt (above) will no longer be supporting Donald Trump... or anyone else... forever.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Listen, I'm a progressive and I've hated Trump for nearly 40 years. But I also need to avoid being tribal and look at the actual facts.

Those people believe themselves to be patriots. Yes, they're gullible and they've been misled... but that isn't really the point. They believe that they are protecting their president, from some imaginary injustice. They believe the lies that Trump has fed to them for months. They were ASKED to go to D.C. by Trump... and he strongly implied that they should become violent once they get there. They believe they are doing what their president wants them to do.

So no, I'm not going to blame them. That's too easy. I hate them... I think they're Neanderthals... but I don't want them in jail. I don't want the little people to pay the price, while the big shots remain free. I want Trump in jail. I want Sean Hannity in jail. I want Rudy Giuliani in jail. I want ALL of the scumbags who instigated this insurrection in jail.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Signed, along with many other such petitions that have crossed my email account. 8)

It is far, FAR past time for these fuckers to finally be held accountable for their treasons. >:(

In other news, it's almost shocking how peaceful the Capitol invasion was. Not on the part of the invaders, but of the Capitol police and other law enforcement agencies. Only one woman was killed during the invasion and eventually everyone was escorted away from the Capitol in a calm and civilized manner. No mass arrests were made. :o

Now, I would like all you fine folks to imagine what would have happened had Black Lives Matter protestors tried a Capitol invasion last summer? Do you think the agencies and officers charged with protecting those spaces would have conducted themselves with the same restraint they exercised with yesterday's white nationalist invaders? ::)

I'll tell ya what would have happened: They would still be cleaning the blood from the Capitol steps. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. :P
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Congratulations, Trumptards... you have now convinced EVERYONE in America to support defunding the police.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


I'm surprised there hasn't been really violent rioting happening yet.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


One thing that shocked me about the lady who was killed is that in her pictures, aside from her political crap, she seems like an ordinary, happy person.

She doesn't look like an angry militia nut.

How many of these people are just fucking idiots who have been led astray rather than hardcore white nationalist-adjacent nutjobs?

I don't know how the wounds that Trump has inflicted on the American body politic can ever be healed :/


Quote from: StarWrecker on January 08, 2021, 01:56:47 AM
I don't know how the wounds that Trump has inflicted on the American body politic can ever be healed :/

We asked the same questions after Nixon resigned. So I guess the answer is: everything heals... it's just a matter of how long it takes.

One thing that would greatly speed up the healing process would be for Trump and all of his enablers to be imprisoned. If Trump's base could actually see and hear him confessing to serious crimes in court, in his own words, then I think it would go a long way toward snapping them out of their delusions.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


May 4, 1970 -- Kent State University, Ohio

Four innocent college students, protesting against the illegal and immoral Viet Nam war, were shot and killed by the National Guard.

January 6, 2021 -- Washington, D.C

Capitol police open the doors to the most hallowed halls in America, and allow violent insurrectionists to enter the Capitol building.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


The Secret Service should quietly eliminate Trump. The American people would support that action. He is not our president -- he's a terrorist.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


We all need to understand that staying in office wasn't Trump's goal. He wasn't expecting that crowd to somehow protect his presidency. No, it's much more sinister than that. Trump wanted those lemmings to storm into the Capitol and slaughter his enemies. That's what he was hoping for. "If I can't stay in Washington, then neither can any of you." Trump belongs in PRISON.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Take a good look at this photo, MAGA morons. This is what "Q" brought you to:

That's Ashley Babbitt, gushing blood, moments after she was shot in the neck. There's your "plan" in action. She was only 35 years old.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


The time has come to DESTROY the Republican party, once and for all. They are the party of the Great Depression, the party of Nixon and Watergate, the party of Reaganomics, the party of Iran-Contra, the party of Black Monday, the party of the Bush tax cuts, the party of the Great Recession, the party of Donald Trump and now, the party of sedition and insurrection.


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Dear Trumptards:

Please stop calling the Republicans "the party of Abraham Lincoln." That stopped being true more than a hundred years ago.

In Lincoln's time, the Republicans were the liberal party and the Democrats, the party that gave rise to the KKK in the 19th century, were the conservatives. Why do you think notorious liberals like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Teddy Roosevelt were Republicans..? But in the years following reconstruction, the two parties gradually switched platforms, which helps to explain why Teddy Roosevelt, who grew disgusted by the increasingly right-wing trend in the Republican party, defected and formed his own moderate-to-liberal Bull Moose Party. Anyone who studied history in high school (and actually paid attention) should already be aware of these facts.

The Republicans love to claim Lincoln as their own... but the fact is, Lincoln would SPIT at the modern Republicans.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


QuoteThe Republicans love to claim Lincoln as their own... but the fact is, Lincoln would SPIT at the modern Republicans.

Lincoln would of put down such uprisings.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Meanwhile... at CPAC 2021...

Okay. A golden plastic Trump idol. Augmented by Ted "Cancun" Cruz out there onstage, doing a really shitty "Braveheart" impression and screaming "...they won't take our FREEEEEDOMMM..!!!"   ::)


I got a question for ya's... aren't a good portion of Trump's base Evangelicals..? You know... people who consider themselves to be deeply religious 'n' stuff..?

It's well-known that I'm a lifelong atheist... but I've read the entire King James Bible and I have a serious question to ask here...

Did any of you hypocritical clowns actually READ the fucking Bible, that you cling to so tenaciously..? Well then, let's flip over to that little section named "Exodus" and read the famous story about the Ten Commandments. In that story, while Moses is up there on Mt. Sinai, having a month-long circle jerk with God, the newly-freed Israelites are down there waiting for him and partying their brains out. And during their celebration, they convince Aaron... Moses' brother... to melt down a bunch of gold jewelry and create a Golden Calf idol. After which, they all dance around that idol and frantically worship it. 

What they apparently didn't know was the fact that the very first of the Ten Commandments states, unambiguously, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Which includes not behaving like a pack of crazy idolators. So when ol' Moses came back down from the mountain and saw that ridiculous golden idol, he and God both got really pissed off and then, all hell broke loose. Lots of idolators were killed outright, and the rest were made to wander about in the wilderness for forty fucking years... all because they had the audacity to fashion a golden idol and worship it.

So tell us, God-fearing Evangelicals... how do you intend to explain your reverence for that ridiculous golden Trump idol, when it's your turn to stand before St. Peter..? Because according to your own Bible, you scumbags are now guilty of collectively breaking the First Commandment... the most important one... and thus, you have committed a vile and mortal sin in the eyes of your God.

Enjoy roasting in hell and screaming in endless agony for eternity, Trumptards. You really blew it this time.   >:(

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera