Trump's Supporters EXPLAINED

Started by Tessera, September 10, 2020, 01:01:43 AM

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Trump's Supporters EXPLAINED

I know there are a great many people who can not understand why, after all that we've seen and heard, so many people continue to support Donald J. Trump. Today, for example, we found out that Trump has always known how deadly COVID-19 is and yet, he willfully misled the American people about the dangers of this disease. It's essentially the most egregious crime ever committed by any president in American history... a crime that has led to the deaths of nearly 200,000 innocent American civilians.

Incredibly, Trump's base are out there tonight, still trying to defend him. So I thought I would explain to everyone what, in my opinion, is the basic, underlying psychology of the typical die-hard Trump supporter.

I'll keep it brief, because this really isn't too hard to understand...

A segment of our population (around 30%) are frightened, hateful little racists and xenophobes. They have always been that way... they just did their best (in most cases) to hide it, because they knew how unpopular such behavior can be. But when Trump came along, those people believed that, because he was a rich and famous guy, he somehow validated their hatred and their fears. That is why they continue to cling to Trump... like flies cling to dog shit.

So long as Trump remains in office, those rotten and hopelessly bewildered people believe that their hateful, nasty behavior is righteous and correct. I mean, if the president can do it, then so can they... right..? So no matter how horrible Trump is revealed to be, they will still glom onto him and viciously defend him. They don't care if Trump is a career criminal. They don't care if Trump is an inept fraud. Amazingly, they don't care if Trump is a serial rapist, who once violently raped a 13-year-old girl in Jeffrey Epstein's apartment. To make things even more evil and twisted, Trump told that poor young girl to wear a blonde wig, so she would look more like his own daughter.

They don't even care if Trump's deliberate lies about the coronavirus may have caused a hundred thousand Americans to trust him, and thus fail to take the proper precautions. Those people are now dead. Dead and gone forever, because they believed President Donald Trump.

But still, the legions of twisted Trumptards don't care. All they know is that, for the first time in their lives, Trump has enabled them to display their absolute worst behavior openly and publicly. Which they very much enjoy, of course. Just look at their faces, in that collection of photos of Trump supporters. Do they look like sane and rational people to you..? Or do they look more like an irrational mob, ready to grab their torches and pitchforks, and chase the imaginary Frankenstein monster into the burning windmill..? In their case, that Frankenstein monster is "anybody who isn't just like us." The last time we saw anything as sickening as this was during the rise of the Third Reich, in the Germany of the 1930's.

The rest of us know what we have to do. But if any of you are still hoping that somehow, Trump's hardcore base will have an epiphany and then turn back into decent human beings again... then just forget it. They're too far gone, at this point.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

I agree; they are the absolute DREGS of society.  If there's anything positive that's come out of this nightmare of a presidency, it is that it has revealed the true faces of these degenerates.  We know who are they now, and the people around them know who they are.  They can't hide their hateful nature anymore.  Their reputations will never recover. 

These people are disgusting.  By the way, I would be horrified and embarrassed to ever be seen at a "Trump rally."  I feel sorry for that small child in the top left picture.


They are a bunch of Karens basically.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Have you sen the way the Trumptards are trying to defend Trump today..? It's in relation to Trump's lies about COVID-19.

Get this...

They're saying that all of this is Bob Woodward's fault. I shit you not. Their "logic" is as follows: if Woodward thought that Trump had said anything bad, then he should have released his tapes a lot sooner. But since he didn't, it automatically means that Trump's comments weren't bad at all and in fact, Trump is now fully exonerated.

And it gets even better. They've even gone so far as to allege that Woodward is working with the DNC and they deliberately held off on the tapes until right before the election. Just to smear Trump.

In short: Woodward held off on releasing his taped conversations with Trump, therefore Trump is innocent. Nevermind what Trump actually said, nevermind that Trump willfully deceived the American people about COVID, nevermind all of the people who have died, nevermind the fact that Trump's lies have effectively amounted to a horrific case of negligent homicide on a massive scale... nevermind any of that. Facts don't matter.

See, this is the irrational behavior of evil cultists in action.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Let's revisit the past again...

About a decade ago, right here on this Forum, I was telling people to "buy guns and learn how to use them." And I said why: because at that time, I believed that America was headed toward a period of violent internal conflict.

That was long before Donald Trump ran for office. Remember, this was 10 years ago that I was saying such things. Trump was just some rich douche on a silly TV show back then.

Most of you thought it was crazy talk. It's okay, I expected that most of you would. "Wait... everything is fine right now. So why is crazy Tessera telling us to arm ourselves..?"

I'll tell you why: back then, I recognized something that I think most people are either oblivious to, or in denial about. It's this: ever since the events of 9/11/2000, America has been steadily devolving into a paranoid, demoralized and bitterly divided society.

Trump is nothing in all of this... he's just a symptom of the larger disease. I mean, seriously, could a psychotic clown like Donald Trump have gotten elected in the America of 30 or 40 years ago..? Of course not... he would have been laughed right out of the race.

So how did I know that it would come to this, all those years ago..? Simple: because I've studied history. The societal disease that I was sensing a decade ago was eerily reminiscent of what Germany went through, in the years following the first World War. Germany was soundly defeated and shamed in that war. Everyone felt demoralized, everyone felt angry and hurt, everyone wanted someone to blame and everyone wanted vengeance. All they needed was a target, for all of that pent-up hysteria.

Congratulations, America: the same things have now happened here. It's just that in this modern day and age, the disease has done a slow burn -- instead of what happened in 1930's Germany, where everything fell apart and went to hell within a few years time. It doesn't matter -- the result is the same: everyone is angrily looking for enemies, either real or imagined.

In other news: yesterday, Donald Trump openly stated that he will not accept the results of the 2020 election and that we should just, in his own words, "throw out the ballots." Get the picture..?

Okay so, for those of you who thought I was crazy to say "Buy guns and learn how to use them," a decade ago.... please take a good look around. Do you still think I was crazy..? Well maybe you do... but I don't. There comes a time when you need to perk up and say "Holy shit... I guess it really can happen here."

"I rly don't care do u?" ~ Melania Trump

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Quote from: Tessera on September 24, 2020, 06:45:39 AM
Let's revisit the past again...

About a decade ago, right here on this Forum, I was telling people to "buy guns and learn how to use them." And I said why: because at that time, I believed that America was headed toward a period of violent internal conflict.

That was long before Donald Trump ran for office. Remember, this was 10 years ago that I was saying such things. Trump was just some rich douche on a silly TV show back then.

Most of you thought it was crazy talk. It's okay, I expected that most of you would. "Wait... everything is fine right now. So why is crazy Tessera telling us to arm ourselves..?"

I'll tell you why: back then, I recognized something that I think most people are either oblivious to, or in denial about. It's this: ever since the events of 9/11/2000, America has been steadily devolving into a paranoid, demoralized and bitterly divided society.

Trump is nothing in all of this... he's just a symptom of the larger disease. I mean, seriously, could a psychotic clown like Donald Trump have gotten elected in the America of 30 or 40 years ago..? Of course not... he would have been laughed right out of the race.

So how did I know that it would come to this, all those years ago..? Simple: because I've studied history. The societal disease that I was sensing a decade ago was eerily reminiscent of what Germany went through, in the years following the first World War. Germany was soundly defeated and shamed in that war. Everyone felt demoralized, everyone felt angry and hurt, everyone wanted someone to blame and everyone wanted vengeance. All they needed was a target, for all of that pent-up hysteria.

Congratulations, America: the same things have now happened here. It's just that in this modern day and age, the disease has done a slow burn -- instead of what happened in 1930's Germany, where everything fell apart and went to hell within a few years time. It doesn't matter -- the result is the same: everyone is angrily looking for enemies, either real or imagined.

In other news: yesterday, Donald Trump openly stated that he will not accept the results of the 2020 election and that we should just, in his own words, "throw out the ballots." Get the picture..?

Okay so, for those of you who thought I was crazy to say "Buy guns and learn how to use them," a decade ago.... please take a good look around. Do you still think I was crazy..? Well maybe you do... but I don't. There comes a time when you need to perk up and say "Holy shit... I guess it really can happen here."

"I rly don't care do u?" ~ Melania Trump

I have to agree.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.

Will Never

September 24, 2020, 09:14:20 PM #6 Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 09:24:32 PM by Will Never
I read your post and I agree with the entirety of it.

What stuns me is that even as recent as 2017, 2018, and 2019 people laughed off the idea that Trump wouldn't leave peacefully if he lost reelection while his fanatical supporters just continued promoting his authoritarian behavior.  Meanwhile, no matter how undemocratic his public statements were, or how inhumane his policies were, Trump would always outdo himself within a month or two.  And I would tell people on the LEFT, who didn't take this threat seriously:

"Do you not see where this is headed?  Trump is empowered by his fanatical lowlife supporters, and they have shown that there is NOTHING that they won't do in order to achieve their sick ends -- even if it means destroying the principles this country was founded on. The second you think they couldn't get any worse, they will ALWAYS prove you wrong." 

Now here we are in 2020 with a president who doesn't want to give up his power if he loses a democratic election.  I saw it coming down the pike years ago.  Sad that most didn't.


Quote from: Will Never on September 24, 2020, 09:14:20 PM
I read your post and I agree with the entirety of it.

What stuns me is that even as recent as 2017, 2018, and 2019 people laughed off the idea that Trump wouldn't leave peacefully if he lost reelection while his fanatical supporters just continued promoting his authoritarian behavior.  Meanwhile, no matter how undemocratic his public statements were, or how inhumane his policies were, Trump would always outdo himself within a month or two.  And I would tell people on the LEFT, who didn't take this threat seriously:

"Do you not see where this is headed?  Trump is empowered by his fanatical lowlife supporters, and they have shown that there is NOTHING that they won't do in order to achieve their sick ends -- even if it means destroying the principles this country was founded on. The second you think they couldn't get any worse, they will ALWAYS prove you wrong." 

Now here we are in 2020 with a president who doesn't want to give up his power if he loses a democratic election.  I saw it coming down the pike years ago.  Sad that most didn't.

It's like the left keep shooting itself in the foot.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.

Will Never

September 26, 2020, 12:38:06 AM #8 Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 03:03:00 AM by Will Never

Unfortunately, true progressives in the USA have been undermined and thwarted by a toxic slice of the left who in many ways aren't actually left-leaning at all.  These people represent a small portion of the left, but they are still prolific and outspoken enough that they have succeeded in sabotaging the progressive movement.  Not only have they helped to enable the election of Donald Trump, but they openly and unabashedly supported his election in 2016, many even voting for him.  Many plan to do so again this November.  Do you know who I'm talking about?  They are the same people who now call themselves the "Never Biden movement."  In 2016, they were calling themselves the "Bernie or Bust movement" or the "Never Hillary movement." They are also often known as the "Burn it all down movement."  I don't know if any of you heard of the "Jimmy Dore Show," but its shithead host and his toxic audience embody the so-called "leftists" I'm talking about.  These people also believe that Russia never interfered in our elections, they unequivocally deny the Mueller report's findings about interference and the Russian trolls, and just like Donald Trump, they believe the whole investigation is a hoax.  There is one difference:  Donald Trump states that it was a hoax designed to hurt his presidency and future reelection.  But in the small minds of the "leftists" in question, Russiagate as they call it was a hoax invented by Democrats for the purpose of explaining why Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump.  If that doesn't make sense to you, don't worry. It's because it doesn't. 

We all know that the Bernie Sanders campaign got fucked over in 2016.  There is no denying that we progressives were cheated out one of our most ideal candidates by the shitty wheeling and dealing that was going on within the Democratic party in order to undermine Sanders and bolster Clinton.  Like, DUH.  But after he lost the primary, the damage had been done and most progressives who saw the bigger picture were smart and knew the danger that Donald Trump presented to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable among us.  I sure as hell knew: I voted for Sanders in the Connecticut Democratic primary but when he lost, I voted for Clinton in the general election.  Don't get me wrong: I have no love for Hillary Clinton.  But as deeply flawed as Clinton was, she was not an authoritarian monster who would try to undermine our elections by allowing a foreign power to influence them.  Clinton would have never elected what will be three ultra-conservative ideologue justices to the Supreme Court for LIFE TERMS who will make decisions that will affect civil liberties in this country and other important issues such as gerrymandering and campaign finance laws FOR DECADES TO COME.    

That is what DONALD TRUMP has wrought.  And sadly, many of the toxic left voted for either him or an irrelevant candidate like anti-vaxxer, anti-wireless Jill Stein or they wrote in an already defeated Bernie Sanders.  Brilliant...

Just think of the critical moments in American history when it was the Supreme Court who expanded our civil liberties when Congress wouldn't:

Roe v. Wade -- protected a woman's liberty to have an abortion. This decision is now in danger of being overturned with an increasingly conservative majority under Donald Trump.
Miranda v. Arizona -- which established our Miranda Rights.  We all know that one.   
Brown v. Board -- which banned racial segregation in public schools and laid the groundwork for an end to segregation totally.

We take these decisions for granted, but they would never have taken place if not for liberal justices on the Supreme Court. The burn it all down people thought "It's just 4 years, so we can get back at the DNC for screwing Bernie."  However, we know it's not "just 4 years," and we might not ever recover from some of the damage.  Now we have Donald Trump about to nominate a true fundamentalist nutjob, named Amy Barrett, to the court.  She belongs to what is nothing less than a religious pseudo-cult called the People of Praise.  Look her and them up on wikipedia... and be shocked.  Now think about not only about how much progress we will miss out on due to this insanely conservative majority Supreme Court, but also how much progress that we already made but are now in danger of losing if any one of those landmark cases are overturned.  And there is no shortage of Americans who want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, sadly.

By the way, you can forget Medicare For All.  The Supreme Court nearly struck down the Affordable Care Act in 2012.  The decision was 5-4.  If the ACA was nearly struck down, do you think we're ever going get socialized medicine with a conservative supermajority of 6-3?

Maybe next time the short-sighted and short-tempered idiots who want to vote for irrelevant losers like Jill Stein or Tulsi Gabbard will get a fucking clue.


Quote from: Will Never on September 26, 2020, 12:38:06 AMI don't know if any of you heard of the "Jimmy Dore Show," but its shithead host and his toxic audience embody the so-called "leftists" I'm talking about. 

I'm familiar with Jimmy Dore. He's a smarmy little douche who got fired from The Young Turks a couple of years ago, when it became apparent that he is NOT a progressive at all. I'm not sure what Jimmy Dore is, honestly. On the surface, Dore appears to be a failed stand-up comic, who is only slightly left-of-center. I've watched his show a few times and every time, it seems to boil down to "Everyone else is wrong about everything. Only we, The Chosen Few, know what's really going on." Snarky-ness and unreasoning cynicism abound. Everything is the fault of the Boomers, Millennials are all victims, GenZ are dummies... you get the picture. It's just more ageism, tribalism and unjustified condescension. I've never heard of the Jimmy Dore crew ever taking any actual action on ANYTHING, ever. All they ever do is whine, and then pat each other on the back.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

I've seen it in small clips because I could never stomach watching a whole show.  His wife on the show "the miserable liberal Stefane" or whatever she is called, and who also fancies herself a comedian, might be more of an idiot than even Jimmy is. And that's saying a lot.



Donald Trump is not a billionaire. In fact... Donald Trump is almost totally broke. You may recall that not too long ago, the courts ordered that Trump's tax returns be released to law enforcement. Trump fought very, very hard to prevent that from happening but as usual, he lost that battle. Trump has lost nearly every court case that he's ever been involved in... and this one was huge.

Well, the NY Times managed to obtain Trump's taxes from the past 15 years or so and guess what they found..? Read this article and find out:

The gist of it is that Trump has paid no taxes, has no money and has been scamming the IRS for a very long time. He has also lied to everyone about his financial status for years. Somehow or other, Trump has managed to piss away something like a billion dollars during the past 40 years. He now officially ranks as one of the biggest failures in the history of American business.


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Quote from: Tessera on September 28, 2020, 06:17:22 AM

Donald Trump is not a billionaire. In fact... Donald Trump is almost totally broke. You may recall that not too long ago, the courts ordered that Trump's tax returns be released to law enforcement. Trump fought very, very hard to prevent that from happening but as usual, he lost that battle. Trump has lost nearly every court case that he's ever been involved in... and this one was huge.

Well, the NY Times managed to obtain Trump's taxes from the past 15 years or so and guess what they found..? Read this article and find out:

The gist of it is that Trump has paid no taxes, has no money and has been scamming the IRS for a very long time. He has also lied to everyone about his financial status for years. Somehow or other, Trump has managed to piss away something like a billion dollars during the past 40 years. He now officially ranks as one of the biggest failures in the history of American business.


That really should't be surprising because a lot of his businesses were scams and failures.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Quote from: Blankspace on September 28, 2020, 07:18:54 AM
That really should't be surprising because a lot of his businesses were scams and failures.

Predictably, Trump is not handling these public revelations very well at all...

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never


Quote from: Will Never on September 29, 2020, 03:14:57 PM
This is hilarious.

I'm watching the first presidential debate right now. In all seriousness, Trump looks and sounds like a ranting, raving lunatic. Chris Wallace has actually been shouting (seriously, shouting) at Trump a few times, because Trump won't stop interrupting Biden. It's like watching a 14-year-old brat, who just got caught stealing money from his dad's wallet and is frantically trying to blame everybody else for the theft.

Predictably, Trump is fabricating most of his answers. It's a non-stop stream of blatant lies and childish personal attacks. Definitely not the behavior of an adult... let alone an American president.

This is the sickest debate I've ever seen, and I've seen a bunch. Trump is hanging himself right now. He really looks like a hysterical maniac. Trump belongs in a state psychiatric hospital.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

The desperation is palpable at this point.  Each day is more shameful than the last.  This country has become the laughing stock of the world, with its government and the lives of 300 million people having been manipulated solely for the benefit of a madman.  What will the history books say about this period of American history, I wonder.


Quote from: Will Never on October 01, 2020, 06:41:41 AMWhat will the history books say about this period of American history, I wonder.

I think they'll say something similar to what I said in this post:

We're living in a time where roughly one-third of Americans are so consumed with hate and fear (paranoia, really), that they've effectively lost their ability to engage in critical thinking. In that post, I asked an important question: could an evil clown like Donald Trump have been elected in the America of 30 or 40 years ago..? No, of course not. Just like Hitler couldn't have been elected before his era came along. This country has been suffering from a degenerative disease ever since the events of 9/11 and a destructive wacko like Trump has simply capitalized on that disease.

Just look at the photo montage that I included in my OP. Look at the faces of those people. All of them look furious, or hysterical. A few of them are literally giving the finger to the world. Those are not the faces of rational adults... those are the faces of frightened chimpanzees, who are lashing out at their imaginary captors. You can go to the monkey house in any zoo in the world and see faces like theirs. I would imagine that we saw similar faces at every public witch burning during the Middle Ages.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera