POSTING Requirements

Started by Tessera, January 19, 2008, 05:00:45 AM

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POSTING Requirements

Certain forums on this board will be invisible to new members. That is because those forums require that each member post a minimum number of times, before you can access them. I have set the board up this way in order to discourage lurking and leeching. Lurkers and leeches are not welcomed here, as they contribute exactly nothing to the health of this community.

So with that being said, here is how it works:

Boards available to Guests: almost none. Guests can read the Public Announcements area and the Patches board. That's it.

Boards available to brand-new members: most of the boards are available to new members, with the following exceptions...

Artwork and Screenshots: both forums will remain invisible until you reach a post count of 10.
Tessera's Mods: same as above -- you need to post 10 times before the forum for my mods will open up to you.
The Dark Side area: this is only available to members who have 50 or more posts to their credit. It's a controversial area, thus it is the most restricted.

I appreciate everyone's understanding. This is a totally free website, and the reason I have kept it totally free is because I want to encourage PARTICIPATION from ALL of our members. You don't need to say something brilliant all the time... but you do need to at least say SOMETHING every once in awhile. Don't speak English very well..? So what... then just use Babelfish and do the best that you can. Nobody is going to make fun of you, especially if they know you are doing the best that you can. Just have fun..!!! Get to know each other. Interact. That's what a great fansite SHOULD be all about.

I know that most of you have "grown up" during the era of large and impersonal commercial gaming sites, so you've naturally gotten used to being able to lurk and leech to your heart's content. After all, those sites are making money from their visitors, so they could care less about how much you actually participate. Well, that's not what is all about. I'm paying the bills out of my own pocket around here and I produce a crapload of the content available on this site. I also bust my ass administering this site, so that it runs as smoothly as I can manage. That's my part of the bargain. Your part is to reciprocate, by helping to make this site "come alive" with your own active participation. Seems fair to me, especially since there are very few sites left these days where adults can kick their shoes off, and truly relax in an informal atmosphere with other adults. On this board, we have almost no censorship, very few rules, no banner ads, no clickies to bother you... in fact, no bullshit at all. Nor will we EVER have any of those unwanted things. We're just a good old-fashioned gaming site for grown-ups... but it won't work unless all of you hold up your end.

Thanks for coming to and I hope that everyone has a great time here. And please... don't think that you need to be "just like everybody else." I hate that "herd mentality" attitude on forum boards. Please just be yourself. Be an individual. Be wildly different, if you want to. Get naked and rub peanut butter all over your body, for all I care. But above all -- just be YOU.  ;)

All my best,

- Tessera -

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera