The Migrant "Caravan" Coming Up Toward The USA Is A FRAUD

Started by Tessera, October 23, 2018, 01:19:31 PM

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The Migrant "Caravan" Coming Up Toward The USA Is A FRAUD

Has anyone been watching the news lately..? Trump is campaigning right now, and making a bunch of hay with regards to this supposed "caravan" of refugees (see photo above), which is currently heading up through Mexico and toward the U.S. border. Trump, who seems to be taking his inspiration from Adolph Hitler's book Mein Kampf, has even gone so far as to claim that there are Muslim terrorists mixed in with the Latino people who are marching along in this "caravan." Sure... sure.

Now let me ask everybody a few questions...

The entire world saw what happened this past summer, when Trump ordered thousands of children to be ripped from the loving arms of their parents at the border. The littlest children were put into cages... like dogs in the dog pound. Their parents were then deported and many of those children may never see their families again. Aside from that being barbaric and cruel, my first question is: after seeing all of that horror, who in their right mind would try to enter the USA only a few months later, with their children in tow..?" Would you do that..? "Hey... let's all run to America, so we can have our children stolen from us!" Not bloody likely.

Now for my next question: Latinos have been coming into America, whether legally or illegally, for more than 100 years. But why is it that this time, mysteriously, there are at least a dozen professional camera crews down there, recording the slow progress of this so-called "caravan" every step of the way..? Camera crews have had thousands of similar opportunities throughout the years. Why are they suddenly so interested in documenting this latest migration..?

And meanwhile, Trump is out there stumping for the Republicans, warning everyone that the "caravan" is coming closer and closer... oh, no!!! So naturally, everybody had better vote for the Republicans, if you wanna stop it..!!! Uh huh...

As I see it, we have two real possibilities here:

(1) That entire "caravan" is a stunt, paid for by Trump and the RNC, in the hopes of playing upon the xenophobia and paranoia of their base. It's a sham... a fake... a phony, staged event. Keep in mind that Trump recently announced that he had forged some sort of "fantastic deal" with Mexico. Mmmm 'k.


(2) The "caravan" is legitimate, which means that not only have Trump's anti-immigration policies failed, but they have in fact failed miserably. Far from curtailing these migrations, Trump seems to have encouraged them to get organized and then come here in even greater numbers.

Either way, it says that Trump is a liar, a failure and an incompetent buffoon.

Well, I'm not falling for it and neither should anyone else. The timing on this is way too suspicious. We're two weeks out from the midterm elections and all of a sudden, there's some "invasion of immigrants" (Trump's words) heading toward the USA..? Even after all of the horror that took place over the summer, with regards to this issue..? Nope... I'm not buying it. I'm betting that this mysterious "caravan" will deliberately march very, very slowly... so as to make sure that they arrive at our border very close to election day. And all along the way, the Mexican government will feed them and make sure that they're safe.

Who wants to take that bet..?

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Here's an amusing video from Stephen Colbert, related to this "caravan" issue:

Funny stuff... and with an underlying message, as is the norm for Colbert.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Quote from: Tessera on October 24, 2018, 09:30:48 AM
Here's an amusing video from Stephen Colbert, related to this "caravan" issue:

Funny stuff... and with an underlying message, as is the norm for Colbert.

Tax cut after the election, that sounds like a trick.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


The most ridiculous part of it is that Trump is promising people that he's going to give them a 10% tax cut for the middle class. He actually said "We're gonna put it in next week."

Just one small problem: you can't pass tax cuts without a vote in Congress... and Congress isn't in session right now. They won't be back in session until AFTER the election.

When a reporter called Trump out on that, by telling Trump that Congress isn't in session, he then tried to change it to "Well we're going to vote on it after the election."

The man is obviously full of shit and he's just trying to drum up votes among the middle class. But the tax cut that he's promising them is completely impossible until after the election... so it's nothing but nonsense right now.

But back to the topic at hand... the "caravan." I suspect it went something like this:

TRUMP: "Hey you... how would you like to get $1,000 for walking from Honduras to the U.S. border..? Bring your friends... bring your kids! We'll pay you an additional $100 per child that you take with you."

7,000 Central Americans: "Sounds good, senor. You pay us in advance, yes..?"

TRUMP: "Sure, sure. We'll pay you half now and the other half when you get to the border. And we'll make sure that all of you are well-fed, all along the way. And you'll get to be on TV!"

7,000 Central Americans: "You got a deal, Senor Trump. We'll do it."

TRUMP: "Great..!!! But remember -- you can't tell anybody about this deal... because if you do, then you won't get the other half of the money."

7,000 Central Americans: "Understood, Senor Trump."

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera