Forum Ranking System and Restrictions

Started by Tessera, October 07, 2007, 09:17:03 AM

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Forum Ranking System and Restrictions

Like many other boards, ours uses a ranking system for its members. These ranks are based entirely upon post count -- the number of times that a member has posted something on this board.

Starting today, certain topics on this board will be restricted based upon member rank. Most will not be restricted at all, but there are certain topics which I feel should be kept off-limits from those members who have never contributed anything to the board. This is not a punitive measure. It is being done because I know that we have kids who are breaking the rules, and silently registering on this board simply to leech explicit and graphic material from this board. Specifically, I am talking about the material found within the "Screenshots" and "Artwork" forums, which both contain exclusive adult-oriented material that is not available on the Gallery page of this site.

First of all, let me show you the way that the ranking system works on this board:

Post count based groups

Newcomer     0   posts
Member        10  posts
Accolyte       50  posts
Berserker      100  posts
Leviathan      500  posts

So as you can see, your rank is determined by how many times you have posted (and thus contributed) to this board.

From now on, the areas of the board that I mentioned above will be off-limits to anyone who has not achieved "Member" status (10 posts). I do not feel that this is unreasonable, since it is a fairly easy matter to find at least 10 things on this enormous forum board that are worthy of a post or two. I personally post about 10-20 times PER DAY around here, so it is and should be fairly easy for every user of this board to achieve "Member" status in a very short time.

So to recap: all users who have not achieved "Member" status will no longer be allowed to access certain forums on this board -- most especially any forums which contain graphic images of an adult nature.

I appreciate everyone's understanding and support. Please enjoy this board freely and post here as often as you wish to. It belongs to you as much as it belongs to me. If you are from a non-English speaking country and your English is not so good, then please do not worry about that. Absolutely nobody on this website will ever make fun of your English -- not if we can see that you are an adult who is struggling with a foreign language. So don't be shy... let us hear from you..!!!  :)

All my best,

- Tessera -

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera